My action research project is coming along great! I have
been to some other schools and interviewed their head of admissions and found
out what processes work for them and what processes don’t work. I have also
started to read a book called “On the Edge” that talks about school admission
and why people pick certain schools. I also created a survey that went out to
parents at the end of last school year to get feedback about the year and what
they were pleased about and what they would want to change. A copy of the
survey is below. I will also be creating
a new survey to send out to parent’s midyear. I will also be attending the
Houston Area Private School Showcase this year. The showcase has private
schools around Houston and will look to see what other schools have to offer. I
must complete class #7-#12 and complete my action research project in order to
graduate. I have completed roughly about
65 hours towards by action research projects.