Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Action Research Plan

I am a little nervous to be posting my action research template because I am not sure I did it right. This week has been somewhat confusing with all the directions in different places and somethings not lining up. My fellow colleagues have been great with asking and answering questions in the facebook group. Please let me know if I need more information or if something doesn't make sense. Thank you!

Identify the major contributing factors for selecting a private Catholic school

I have decided to use this topic as my action research because I want to know why parents select one private catholic school over another. Working in admissions I deal with perspective parents all the time and want to know why they chose St. Theresa or why they decide to go to another school. What do other schools offer that St. Theresa does not? How can we retain our students? What can we do to stand out from other catholic schools in the area, why do parents choose St. Theresa and what can we change from the past years to make us a better school. 


Action Planning Template
Goal: Identify the major contributing factors for selecting a  private Catholic school
Action Steps(s):
Person(s) Responsible:
Timeline: Start/End
Needed Resources
Create a survey to give to existing parents on why they chose St. Theresa Catholic School

Kurt Kleeman

St. Theresa school parents
April 2013-May 2013
Survey questions and  Parent list
Spread sheet on gatherings found from the survey
Create a survey to add to the school application/open house flyer

Kurt Kleeman

Perspective school parents  
May 2013-March 2014
Survey questions
The old survey and new questions to be added to open house flyer 
Analyze open house flyers “how they heard” about St. Theresa

Kurt Kleeman

Perspective school parents
March 2013-May 2013
Current open house flyers, questions on those flyers and answers
Analyze data/spread sheet with gatherings

Set up meetings with other catholic school’s
(non-competitors) principals and head of admission’s to collaborate enrollment and retention

Kurt Kleeman

School principals and head of admissions
April 2013-May 2013
Principals and  school’s admission department
 Questions for principal and admission department
Notes on discussion with those involved
Analyze date to show why school increased from 198-215, 215-250+
Kurt Kleeman

Data from past school years
April 2013-July 2013
Enrollment data from the past- How many classes per grade? How many students per class? Programs offered? Total student population
Spread sheets and graphs to show enrollment then, now and future
Alumni and parent survey-
satisfaction rates
Kurt Kleeman

Alumni and past parents
September 2013
Alumni and past parents

Survey questions
Spread sheet of data collected from alumni and parents.
Create Survey for St. Theresa school teachers
Kurt Kleeman

Current St. Theresa teachers
May 2013
Current teachers

Survey questions

Data collected from surveys
Why choose private over public
Kurt Kleeman

School Parent (Dustee interviewed in local magazine)
October 2013
School Parent

Local magazine article

Interview questions
Data from interview and article information
Research online+ books  
Kurt Kleeman
January 2014
Computer and books
Information found online and research done


  1. Your plan looks very thorough and well thought out. The only thing I saw that you might include is one more step in which you plan for how you will disseminate your findings. Other than that I think you've got a great plan. Good luck!

  2. What an interesting topic. Your plan looks very complete. From a formatting perspective, I would make sure all my fonts match in my action steps. I agree with Ryan that you probably should add a dissemination step in your plan. I am very interested in seeing the results of your project, particularly why parents choose private over public schools. I will continue to follow. Please follow my project at traceylafara.blogspot.com

  3. I so love this research. I am a product of a catholic private school though not from this country but I am looking forward to the progress of your action research project. I am still making mine right now and I am so overwhelmed. :-) What to do? What to do?

  4. No need to be nervous Kurt, your plan looks great! This is a very interesting topic. I know you'll do well in your research, can't wait to follow.

  5. Kurt, it looks like you're heading in the right direction. I'm interested in following your research and see where the results take you. Without a doubt, your research will bring many benefits to your school! And I agree with Ryan and Tracey, all you need is an extra step describing how you will disseminate your findings. Other than that, it looks great! Best of luck!

  6. Hi Kurt,

    It looks like you followed the 8 steps and will have plenty of data to comb through. Out of all of the action topics that I have read so far, yours is the most unique. If you are able to pinpoint why one private school is chosen over another, I think that would be a tremendous accomplishment. I will be interested to see your findings as you conduct your research.
