Sunday, March 10, 2013

The Ever-evolving Research Topic

Each time I believe I’ve narrowed down my research question, I second guess myself. The first research topic I developed was: how student motivation impacts student learning. Followed by the second research topic: What are the major contributing factors for selecting a private school? Finally, the third action research topic: Is there one significant indicator whether or not a student will be successful in school.   
The conference with my principal was very successful as I finally determined my research topic. It was good to sit down, sort through the topics, discuss the practicality of each and likelihood of outcomes being applied in our school setting.  Initially, I was interested in determining the impact of increasing available student activities with hopes of improving current student and parent satisfaction and increasing school enrollment. The principal believed this would be a beneficial research topic but thought that it was too broad a topic.  Hence, I have decided to pursue my second topic:  what are the major contributing factors for selecting a private school? 


  1. Kurt, you just can't imagine so how many times did I try to change my action research as well. There are so many out there but can I use it in my school, then I have to second guess myself. My principal has really not been really helpful at all so I just do what I think is right. Good thing about it though, my co-teachers has been really great help.

  2. That is good that your principal made a time for you so you could sit down and discuss the different options for your topic. I am sure that when it comes to private schools, that you will have tons of different research options in researching your topic.
